Life Skills Education Toolkit

(Frankie) #1


Experience from the field
A list from SARD, Delhi
True love Time pass “Bhai behan”
Trust Goes out here and there Trust
Faithful To increase status Faithful
Be together in good & bad times Not faithful Love
Prevents from going Short-term relationship Nagging the wrong way
A good friendship Not serious Friendship
Shares everything (talk) Gives gifts Belongs to you
Understands the problems of other Cheats Looks after, keeps safe (rakhee)
Helps each other in work Nagging Helps in good and bad
Keeps relationship for a long time

In a circle, discuss with the children what they learned, what was new and what they liked.

Experience from the field
SARD, Delhi works with vulnerable girls who not only discussed the activity thoroughly, but also made
out an advertisement like in the matrimonial columns
Wanted: A good life partner Wanted: A good brother
Faithful and loyal Be educated
Have a job Good qualities
Have good habits Be helpful to family
Do not look at other women Not have bad friends
Help me in my work Be smart
No bad friends Should be tall 5ft 6”
Do not listen to others blindly Be together in happiness
and destroy our family and sadness
Be with me in happiness and sadness Do not be lazy
Do not nag me and speak lovingly Should not have moustache
His name: “Siddha Saddha” (simple and straightforward).

Tips for the facilitator
For children under 12 years, one may adapt the activity to how they can be good sisters or brothers and
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