Life Skills Education Toolkit

(Frankie) #1


Linking Learning With Life
Either in this session or in the next one, invite a young couple that the children can interview
about what qualities they saw in each other. The facilitator may have to first sensitize the couple
about what the children may ask.
If this is not possible, try to link what the children have learned with examples of brother-sister
relationships in history (e.g. Allaudin Khilji) and for real, such as from one’s experience. Could they
be better brothers and sisters or friends? How?
Also discuss why certain marriages they know of are happy and why some relationships broke up.
Ask the children to analyze the reasons, and see if there was anything they learned in the session
could help explain the reasons.

Abuse: Hurting Someone
The presence of a counselor with a pre-planned strategy to support the children for individual
counseling is very important.

  1. Discuss with the children if anyone has hurt them. Explain that hurt can be physical, social and
    emotional. Ask them to give examples of physical behavior that hurts. Some of this behavior
    hurts so much that it is called violence. Similarly, make a list for emotional abuse. Introduce the
    idea of social abuse as well.

  2. The list may look like this:
    Physical Emotional Social
    Slapping Insulting Not allowing a person to enter a place
    Hitting violently with Calling names Not allowing a person
    sticks or some other object to participate
    Pinching Using bad language Socially isolating a person
    Twisting arm Putting someone down Looking down on someone because
    of their caste, social position or
    annual orientation
    Harming with sharp Saying “bad words” Not allowing a girl to go out
    or other objects in the mind
    Damaging possessions Eve teasing
    Locking someone up Child marriage

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