Life Skills Education Toolkit

(Frankie) #1


My Family and Me
Group check in

  1. The introductory activity of making a communication map can be used to introduce this activity.

  2. Children draw all members of their family, even those who may not be alive (in case of children
    affected by HIV/AIDS). Those who are not alive can have a special symbol attached to them.

  3. Pair the children and ask them to talk about their family members: who they are, what they do
    and what they like or not like.
    Ask the children to close their eyes, and when they are still, ask them to go back and think of a
    time when they were happy doing something with their family. The children write or draw some
    happy times they had with their family.
    Ask the children to draw any sad times they had. Each should discuss it with their partner.
    (This part of the activity should be done only if the facilitator can manage the emotions and has
    support from a counselor; otherwise skip mentioning the sad events. For younger children, do
    not mention the sad events.)

  4. Merge two groups so that there are now four children in one group.

  5. Present the poster (see facilitator’s guide for how to make one) to the children and give them
    cutouts of family members. These cutouts could be drawn and cut out or cut out from
    magazines. Present a situation to the children. They can use as many members of the family as
    they like for the story. They have to make up two stories for every situation, one in which the
    family has a disagreement and the other where a happy solution is found.
    The children can decide on a situation. If they are unable to, some examples should be
    provided, but must be adapted according to their needs. The problems can range from simple
    to complex, and less risky to more risky.

    • She wants to go to school after VII, but her father says she is grown up and must stay at home.

    • He is out all day without telling anyone where he is.

    • He asks for money for new clothes because his friend has new ones.

    • She wants to go on a class picnic but her parents say no.

    • She wants to play but her mother says she has to help with the cooking.

    • He is seen at a movie with a girl.

    • He was caught stealing from the shop/smoking/drinking.

    • She was shouting and insulting an older person/shopkeeper/relative.

    • He was eve teasing the girl next door.

    • He got into a fight with some boys.

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