Life Skills Education Toolkit

(Frankie) #1


Remind the group to use the question box.

Linking Learning With Life
Same as above session. If they have a friend who has married early, meet and ask about what
their life is like and what problems they face. Use this “real life” case study to present to the
group in the next session. Ask the group how his/her life could have been different. Alternatively,
ask the person to come to the group session, and prepare for questions.

Tips for the facilitator
A single sex group may be necessary and if possible a facilitator of same sex as the group. This depends
on the comfort level of the facilitator in handling issues of sex and sexuality.

Additional Activity
The Language of Sex
For older children:

  1. Write the following words on separate sheets: vagina, penis, menstruation, intercourse,
    backside, breasts, masturbation, testicles, condoms, semen, anal sex and oral intercourse.
    Add or remove words according to your group. Do not use more than eight to ten words.

  2. Ask the group to write down any slang words they use. Remind them that this is to ensure that
    they can learn to talk about different parts of their body and sexual acts so that they can
    protect themselves. If the group is shy, tell them to write on small pieces of paper and place
    them below the relevant sheet.

  3. Open each paper carefully and slowly read out the word and write it on the sheet.

  4. Make groups of four or five and ask them to discuss the following questions:

    1. Which words in the list are most acceptable for “public” use?

    2. Which words are most unacceptable?

    3. Which words are violent?

    4. Which words have negative meanings for girls? For boys?

    5. Why do people use words that do not respect girls or boys?

    6. Is it fair to label a woman as loose but call a man a “real man” if he has many
      sexual partners?
      Ask the group to present their findings.

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