facilitator would find useful and should be read
before the HIV sessions begin. Again, the
facilitator must at all times adapt to the local
situation and needs of the children. A few activities
have been chosen from a large number of
activities available to develop life skills. A list of
resources that the facilitator might like to use is
provided in the toolkit.
Many young people are affected by or infected
with HIV. Their friends need to understand how
they can live and play with them and still be safe if
they follow some simple universal precautions.
Understanding what it is like to be living with HIV
helps young people empathize and help one
another. For these reasons both prevention and
care are included in this module. For peers who
are infected with and affected by HIV and are
undergoing great emotional stress, the module on
coping with feelings and grief may be helpful.
There are three sessions in this module. All
activities in this module are for both older and
younger children if they have understood
sexuality issues.
HIV and My Body
Children learn of the immune system, how HIV
attacks it, how we can strengthen the immune system,
how HIV is transmitted and how it is not. There are
five activities in this session with many variations.
How Can I Prevent HIV?
Discusses the different methods of prevention
including abstinence, being faithful and condoms;
how risk to HIV increases with STIs; gender and
changing circumstances and the need to protect
oneself. There are two activities in this session.
Living with HIV
Children learn about universal precautions and
empathy for those with HIV There are two
activities in this session.