Life Skills Education Toolkit

(Frankie) #1


  1. Do a short role play:
    a. Jaya sees her husband scratching his genitals and knows he is having a discharge. She has
    learned in the Kishori Group about STIs. How will she tell her husband to get treatment?
    b. Satish goes to the doctor for treatment of an STI. His doctor tells him to bring his wife.
    His wife is pregnant. How will he tell her?
    What was the difference between the two? Who is more likely to go for treatment, why?


  • Who could you go to for immediate help?

  • Is going to the doctor difficult? Why?

  • Why do women have problems taking STI treatment? What about Children?

  • What sort of problems do your friends face? What do they do?

Linking Learning With Life
Map the places one may go if one had an STI. The map should include places where only boys can
go and where only girls can go. Identify both unqualified medical providers as well as public and
private clinics. Discuss with the children the place one should go to for treatment and why. If
possible visit a qualified doctor. (The facilitator may have to visit beforehand to prepare the
medical staff for the children’s visit.)

Experience from the field
The facilitator must read up on STIs and prepare well. A good rapport between the facilitator and the
children is essential. This activity can be broken up into smaller ones because it has a lot of information.
Visual aids help to simplify information. In this way, it can be used for children who cannot read or write.
Energizers as well as role plays helped to brainstorm and increase participation. Hesitation went away and
children could discuss. (Salaam Baalak Trust, Delhi).
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