Life Skills Education Toolkit

(Frankie) #1


Because a Life Skills Education Program demands a
commitment towards the participation of children,
it is recommended that the organization review:

  • Their stand on level of participation

  • Which level does it need to go to?

  • What capacities need to be developed to increase
    participation, and who needs them? and

    • How will the program ensure the safety and
      well being of the children?
      It is a well-accepted fact that behavior change is
      possible and effective only if people affected by the
      change feel that they are meaningfully involved in
      the process.

Level Description Explanation
One Manipulation Children are not consulted and do as they are told. This is based on
the belief that adults alone know what is best for the program.
Two Decoration Children have a “decorative” function. They are invited, are physically
present, but do not participate or contribute.
Three Tokenism Very common. Projects are designed so that children have a voice but
in reality they cannot say what they want or do not know how to say it.
If they do express an opinion, it is discarded.
Four Assigned but Adults prepare the plan and inform the children. Children willingly
informed participate, but the benefit is short-lived.
Five Consulted and Adults plan or decide, but children are consulted and feedback from
informed them is taken seriously.
Six Adult initiated, Adults plan or decide but involve children in planning, implementation
shared decisions and evaluation. Decisions are made jointly.
with children
Seven Child initiated This is the first step on the road to ownership and sustainability. The
and directed idea or plan originates from the children. The children also
implement. Such examples are difficult to find.
Eight Child initiated, Children feel that to involve adults in their project does not mean that
shared decisions they will be controlled by them. Needs trust.
with adults
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