Life Skills Education Toolkit

(Frankie) #1


facilitator may need to take a pro-active role by
providing children with information and helping
them understand the problem they have chosen to
work on. Active methods of learning may be used
by the facilitator, such as stories, role plays, posters
and focus group discussions.

Step Two: Finding Out More

At this stage, the children gather more information
about the problem. In Step One, they began to
have a clearer understanding about the problem.
Now, they are ready to proceed to defining an
actual, true to life situation. “Finding Out” activities
include simple surveys and interviews, visits and
observations. Children are involved in designing
these tools and discussing where they should go to
collect the information.

Step Three: Discuss Results and Plan Action

After the children collect more information, they
discuss the results at the training or learning center.
The facilitator helps collate the data through simple

tabulations and then helps the children organize
the data for further discussion. The children look
at various activity options and may decide, for
example, (with the support of the facilitator) to
make a poster, plan a street play, or write a song,
drama or story.

Step Four: Take Action
The children share the activity with their families
and communities though by, for example, talking
to peers about HIV or having an exhibition or talk
for a panel of stakeholders.

Step Five: Evaluate
With a facilitator, the children discuss what worked
and what did not work and explore explanations
for their conclusions.

Step Six: Doing it Better
The children discuss what they should do next time
and how to do the activities better from the lessons
they have learned.

The Child-to-Child approach can be linked to life skills:
Step Description Life Skills
One Understand the problem Critical thinking, decision making, communication,
problem solving
Two Find out more Communication, critical thinking, empathy
Three Discuss findings and plan action Communication, decision making, creative thinking
Four Take action Communication, interpersonal relationships,
problem solving
Five Evaluate Critical thinking
Six Do it better Problem solving, decision making, communication
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