Life Skills Education Toolkit

(Frankie) #1


Learning/Training Place Living Place

STEP ONE: Recognize and
understand the problem

STEP THREE: Discuss and plan

STEP FIVE: Evaluate

Linking Learning with Life
The Six Steps zigzag from the learning place to real life situations, providing feedback and
strengthening new behavior at every step. The Life Skills Education Toolkit includes Linking Learning to
Life activities in all of its modules.

STEP TWO: Find out more

STEP FOUR: Take action

STEP SIX: Do it better

Linking Learning to Life is a central concept of the
Child-to-Child methodology. Children can learn
in any “learning” place, such as a children’s
forum, non-formal center, shelter, drop-in center,
and classroom or under a tree! Wherever they
learn, the Child-to-Child (C to C) approach
ensures that learning is always taken out of the

learning place to real life situations where children
can try out what they have learned. Since
developing new behaviors or skills is never easy,
the C to C approach provides many
opportunities for children to practice new skills
and learn from them. As a result, children and
communities are able to work in partnership to
promote safe behavior that can contribute to the
well being of everyone who touches their lives.
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