Life Skills Education Toolkit

(Frankie) #1


The following is a checklist for those who want to start a Peer Education Project:^21

(^21) Adapted from IEC Activities Kit, East Haraghe
Checklist for Starting a Peer Education Project Yes No
Have you obtained support from parents, caretakers, or community?
Have you identified a training area and times for the sessions?
Have the necessary external agencies and resource persons been contacted?
Setting Objectives
Are the program objectives clearly defined?
Are target groups identified?
Have the target groups and peer educators been involved in needs analysis
and setting priorities?
Have the roles and responsibilities been defined and discussed with peer
educators? Have they contributed to developing them?
Recruitment of Peer Educators
Does the peer educator come from the same social group as the target group?
Are selection criteria available?
Does the selection criterion reflect needs and preferences of young people?
Planning Activities
Was the peer educator involved in developing materials?
Have you defined group formation, i.e., will the peer educator undertake single
sex groups or mixed groups or age?
Have you decided on the number of meetings between the peer educator and
the children?
Have you decided how often the peer educator will meet with the Project
Have you budgeted costs of travel, food, etc?

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