The attributes of the Field object in the ADO object model.
There are many more properties for the Field object in the DAO object model (Figure 5.6), corre-
sponding to specific Access field properties; the ADO Field properties are more generic, because
ADO supports data in many different applications.
The solution to the ambiguous reference problems discussed previously is simple: include the object
model name in declarations of DAO and ADO variables, as in the following declarations for DAO
variables (either DAO 3.6 or Access 2007 DAO). This is called disambiguatingthe declarations:
Dim rst as DAO.Recordset
Dim fld as DAO.Field
Here is the ADO version (note that the object model name is not ADO, as you might think, but
Dim rst as ADODB.Recordset
Dim fld as ADODB.Field
Working with Access Data 5