
(John Hannent) #1
Argument names are inconsistently capitalized in VBA code. Regardless of how you type
them in, when your cursor leaves the line of code, some argument names are capitalized
(such as “Name”) and some are not (such as “sqltext”). The capitalization does not match the capital-
ization of the arguments in their Help topics, where they are usually represented as all lowercase.

You can also create a QueryDef corresponding to an action query and run it directly from code, to
create a table for use elsewhere in the code instead of a parameter query, to avoid errors that will
occur if a query criterion is looking for a value on a form that is closed when the code runs:

strFilter = “[InvoiceDate] = #” & dteDue & “#”
strSQL = “SELECT [InvoiceNo], InvoiceDate, _
Customer, Employee “ _
& “INTO tmakMatchingRecords “ _
& “FROM tblInvoices “ _
& “ WHERE “ & strFilter & “;”

Debug.Print “SQL string: “ & strSQL
Set qdf = dbs.CreateQueryDef(Name:=strQuery, _

You can create a QueryDef without a name, using just double quotes, as in this line
of code:

Set qdfTemp = dbs.CreateQueryDef(Name:=””, _

However, I generally prefer to create a named query, so I can examine it in the interface for debug-
ging purposes, if necessary.

TableDefs and Fields ......................................................................................

TableDefs correspond to tables in the interface. Although it is much more common to need to cre-
ate a query programmatically, sometimes you may need to create a table in code. When you create
a new table, you also need to create fields for it. The following code creates a new table in an exter-
nal database, with several fields of different data types. Each field is created (and its default value
set, for two of them), and is then appended to the new table. An error handler returns the user to
the input box where the new table name is entered, in case a table of that name already exists in
the database. Finally, all the TableDefs in the database are listed to the Immediate window, with the
new table as the last entry in the list:

Private Sub NewTable()

On Error Resume Next

Dim dbsNorthwind As DAO.Database
Dim tdfNew As DAO.TableDef
Dim fld As DAO.Field



Part II Writing VBA Code to Exchange Data between Office Components

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