Though it is much easier to back up an Access database in Access 2007 than in previous versions,
the new “Back Up Database” selection on the Manage menu defaults to saving the database copy in
the same folder as the database itself. If you want to save your backups to another folder (which I
prefer, to avoid confusion between databases and their backups), you have to browse for that
folder. The BackupDBfunction in the following basBackup module saves backups to a folder
called Backups under the database folder; you can modify the hard-coded path for saving backups
as desired if you want to save your backups to another location. If you want to save backups to a
Daily Backups folder on drive E, for example, you would replace the lines of code
strBackupPath = Application.CurrentProject.Path _
& “\Backups\”
strBackupPath = “E:\Daily Backups\”
See Chapter 14 for a discussion of an add-in with user-selectable backup options,
including selection of the backup folder from a Folder Picker dialog.
The Access 2007 Backup.accdb database contains the table, module, and macros that are used to
do the database backups. These database objects can be imported into any Access 2007 database,
and the BackupDBfunction can be run from the mcrBackup macro, or from a button on the main
menu. The basBackup module is listed as follows:
Option Explicit
Option Compare Database
Private dbs As DAO.Database
Private fld As Scripting.Folder
Private fso As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Private intReturn As Integer
Private rst As DAO.Recordset
Private strBackupPath As String
Private strCurrentDB As String
Private strDayPrefix As String
Private strDBName As String
Private strDefault As String
Private strFinalSaveName As String
Private strPrompt As String
Private strSaveName As String
Private strTitle As String
Public Function BackupDB()
Working with Files and Folders 9