
(John Hannent) #1

and ask if the new name is acceptable.

pintRenameFail = True
Do While pintRenameFail
pintRenameFail = False
pintReturn = MsgBox( _
“Rename “ & _
DLookup(“[ControlTypeName]”, _
“zLNCtblControlType”, _
“[ControlType] = “ & ctl.ControlType) _
& “ control currently named “ _
& pstrOldCtlName & vbCrLf & _
“(control source: “ & strControlSource & “) “ _
& “to” & vbCrLf & pstrNewCtlName & “?”, _
vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton1, _
“Rename control”)

If the user clicks the Yes button, rename the control.

If pintReturn = vbYes Then
If blnTag = True Then
ctl.Tag = ctl.ControlName
End If
ctl.ControlName = pstrNewCtlName

Otherwise, pop up an input box to edit the name.

ElseIf pintReturn = vbNo Then
pstrNewCtlName = _
InputBox(“Modify new control name”, _
“Rename control”, pstrNewCtlName)
ctl.ControlName = pstrNewCtlName
End If

Exit Function


If the proposed control name is already in use, return to the renaming dialog.

pintRenameFail = True
If Err.Number = 2104 Then
MsgBox “There is another control named “ & _
pstrNewCtlName & “; please try again”, , _
“Control Name Used”
pstrNewCtlName = pstrNewCtlName & “1”

Creating COM Add-ins with Visual Basic 6 13

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