
(John Hannent) #1
Set dbsCode = CodeDb
Set dbsCalling = CurrentDb

Delete old table in code database (if there is one).

strTable = “zstblQueryAndFieldNames”
Set tdfsCode = dbsCode.TableDefs
Set tdfCode = tdfsCode(strTable)
If Not tdfCode Is Nothing Then
tdfsCode.Delete (strTable)
End If

Delete old table in calling database (if there is one).

Set tdfsCalling = dbsCalling.TableDefs
Set tdfCalling = tdfsCalling(strTable)
If Not tdfCalling Is Nothing Then
tdfsCalling.Delete (strTable)
End If

Create a new, blank table in the code database to fill with data:

DoCmd.CopyObject destinationdatabase:=strCodeDB, _
newname:=strTable, _
sourceobjectType:=acTable, _
sourceobjectname:=strTable & “Blank”

Fill the table in the code database with table and field names from the calling database:

Set rst = dbsCode.OpenRecordset(strTable, dbOpenTable)
strExcludeTable = “zstblQueryPrefixes”

For Each qdf In dbsCalling.QueryDefs
strQuery = qdf.Name
Debug.Print “Query name: “ & strQuery
If ExcludePrefix(strQuery, strExcludeTable) = _
False Then
Set flds = qdf.Fields
For Each fld In flds
strFieldName = fld.Name
With rst
!QueryName = strQuery
!FieldName = strFieldName
!DataType = fld.Type
!Required = fld.Required
End With
Next fld
End If

Part III Adding More Functionality to Office

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