- The major scale of C is used as a model for all the other major scales. Therefore,
to always obtain a distance of a whole tone or semitone, a sharp or flat may have
to be added. For example, in the major scale of D, we will find F# and C# so that
it respects the model. (inferior tetrachord + tone + superior tetrachord).
The Order of Sharps and Flats and their Placement on the Staff
- Sharps
F#, C#, G#, D#, A#, E#, B#
(Father Charles Goes Down And Ends Battle)
Placement on the staff:
The sharps follow the pattern of:
When a sharp sign is attached to a line note, the sharp is centred on the line as in
the example above. When a sharp sign is to be placed on a space, the sharp is
centred in the space as in the example above.