Popular Deities of Chinese Buddhism (Illustrated)

(Grace) #1

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and his mind be disturbed by the desires of the senses. ere is a
wide difference between the enjoyment of life and the enjoyment
of the True Path. If the mind enjoys worldly affairs, illusions
and suffering will inevitably follow, but if the mind enjoys the
True Path, happiness, contentment and enlightenment will just
as surely follow.

erefore, those who are seeking Enlightenment should keep
their minds pure and patiently keep and practise the ree Ways.
If they keep the precepts they will naturally obtain concentra-
tion of the mind and if they obtain concentration of the mind
it will be just as natural for them to grasp wisdom, and wisdom
will lead them to Enlightenment.

Indeed these ree Ways are the true path to Enlightenment.
By not following them, people have for a long time accumulated
mental delusions, which are the root causes of all sufferings.

  1. If the ree Ways of practice are analysed, they will reveal
    the Eightfold Path, the Four Viewpoints to be considered, the
    Four Right Procedures, the Five Faculties of Power to be em-
    ployed, and the Perfection of the Six Paramitas.

e Noble Eightfold Path refers to right view, right thought,
right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right
mindfulness and right concentration.

Right View includes: to thoroughly understand the Four Noble
Truths, to believe in the Law of Cause and Effect and not to be
deceived by appearances and desires.
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