Popular Deities of Chinese Buddhism (Illustrated)

(Grace) #1

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C VIII

uan hih in ’usa
valokitesvara odhisattva

“Namo Ta-Chi-Ta-Pei Kuan Shih Yin P’usa”. is is the prayer
which is recited by all Kuan Yin devotees daily to pay homage
and to appeal to the Great Lord, A Bodhisattva,
who is the compassionate aspect of all the Buddhas of the three
aeons. Literally translated it means “Namo To e Greatly
Compassionate Kuan Shih Yin Bodhisattva”. To recite this
prayer is to seek the blessings of Kuan Yin and at the same time
to develop one’s own compassionate nature. ose who recite the
great prayer with a sincere heart will surely find it quite easy to
practise great kindness and great sympathy towards others, for
Kuan Yin’s compassion will then flow through them and cause
them to walk the Path of Mercy. It is also the Path towards
Buddhahood for the merit and virtue of reciting the name of the
great P’usa is immeasurable.

is great Compassionate Lord is known by various other names
such as:

“e Bodhisattva Regarder of the Sound of the World:”
“e Lord of Compassionate Glances.”
“e Lord Who Sees the World with Pity.”
“e Lord of What is seen, of the Visible World.”
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