How To Stop Worrying And Start Living

(Barry) #1

When I interviewed Merle Oberon, she told me that she refused to worry because she
knew that worry would destroy her chief asset on the motion-picture screen: her good

"When I first tried to break into the movies," she told me, "I was worried and scared. I
had just come from India, and I didn't know anyone in London, where I was trying to get
a job. I saw a few producers, but none of them hired me; and the little money I had
began to give out. For two weeks I lived on nothing but crackers and water. I was not
only worried now. I was hungry. I said to myself: 'Maybe you're a fool. Maybe you will
neuer break into the movies. After all, you have no experience, you've never acted at all-
what have you to offer but a rather pretty face?'

"I went to the mirror. And when I looked in that mirror, I saw what worry was doing to my
looks! I saw the lines it was forming. I saw the anxious expression. So I said to myself:
'You've got to stop this at once! You can't afford to worry. The only thing you have to
offer at all is your looks, and worry will ruin them I'"

Few things can age and sour a woman and destroy her looks as quickly as worry. Worry
curdles the expression. It makes us clench our jaws and lines our faces with wrinkles. It
forms a permanent scowl. It may turn the hair grey, and in some cases, even make it fall
out. It can ruin the complexion- it can bring on all kinds of skin rashes, eruptions, and

Heart disease, is the number-one killer in America today. During the Second World War,
almost a third of a million men were killed in combat; but during that same period, heart
disease killed two million civilians-and one million of those casualties were caused by
the kind of heart disease that is brought on by worry and high-tension living. Yes, heart
disease is one of the chief reasons why Dr. Alexis Carrel said: "Business men who do
not know how to fight worry die young."

The Negroes down south and the Chinese rarely have the kind of heart disease brought
on by worry, because they take things calmly. Twenty times as many doctors as farm
workers die from heart failure. The doctors lead tense lives-and pay the penalty.

"The Lord may forgive us our sins," said William James, "but the nervous system never

Here is a startling and almost incredible fact: more Americans commit suicide each year
than die from the five most common communicable diseases.

Why? The answer is largely: "Worry."

When the cruel Chinese war lords wanted to torture their prisoners, they would tie their
prisoners hand and foot and put them under a bag of water that constantly dripped ...
dripped ... dripped ... day and night. These drops of water constantly falling on the head
finally became like the sound of hammer blows-and drove men insane. This same
method of torture was used during the Spanish Inquisition and in German concentration
camps under Hitler.

Worry is like the constant drip, drip, drip of water; and the constant drip, drip, drip of
worry often drives men to insanity and suicide.

When I was a country lad in Missouri, I was half scared to death by listening to Billy
Sunday describe the hell-fires of the next world. But he never ever mentioned the hell-
fires of physical agony that worriers may have here and now. For example, if you are a

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