Thinking Against Oneself 487
task was not to avoid this problem but to accept it as something that
belonged to the essential legacy of Adorno’s critical theory and one of
his most productive ideas.^43 It is a legacy that arises from consistently
following critical theory through to its logical conclusion, in particular
the idea that it ‘must also be a thinking against itself’.^44
Dialectic, then, is conceived as immanent critique, as a method with
which to expose the internal contradictions in society and in thought
itself. Whether this key to his thought is sufficient to unlock all the
treasures it contains must remain an open question. The intention in
reconstructing Adorno’s life and work was not to provide a secret key
for treasure hunters, although it was hoped that it would stimulate their
curiosity. It would be rewarding, however, to hold fast to his visible
legacy^45 and to build on it: the critique of the coercion implicit in the act
of identification (Identifikationszwang) and of the restrictive concept
of rationality, the micrological method of interpretion of the analysis of
music and literature, the theory of the avant-garde and the criticism of
the media. Then there is the thread running through his writings of the
internal tension between negativity and messianism, between (a bad)
reality and (a better) possibility, between identity and non-identity,
ratio and mimesis, and especially between truth content and the desire
for expression that runs through the late writings. These extremes are
all characteristic of Adorno’s thinking. He wanted to be both an artist
and a scientist, a composer and a writer, a philosopher and a sociologist.
He had no ambition to be ‘a mediator between extremes’, in thought
any more than in his personality and his life. Instead, ‘mediation takes
place in and through the extremes, in the extremes themselves.’^46 In his
eyes a no man’s land was the symbol of the place where you can
be different without fear and where conflicts can be resolved without
having to take sides in advance.
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