
(Tina Sui) #1

560 Notes to pp. 301–305

132 See Adorno, Briefe an die Eltern, p. 186ff.
133 Adorno kept a record of his dreams his whole life long; only a portion of
them have been published (cf. GS, vol. 20.2, p. 572ff.). Further examples
are preserved in the Theodor W. Adorno Archive.
134 Adorno, Traumprotokolle, GS, vol. 20.2, p. 574f. (For ‘Chatterhole’, see
p. 29 above [trans.].)
135 See letter from Adorno to his parents of 21 December 1942, Briefe an die
Eltern, p. 175.
136 See Horkheimer, Briefwechsel, GS, vol. 16, p. 413ff., and also vol. 17., p. 334f.
137 Ernst Bloch, Briefe, vol. 2, p. 443ff.
138 Adorno, ‘Für Ernst Bloch’, GS, vol. 20.1, p. 190ff.
139 Ernst Bloch, Briefe, vol. 2, p. 446.
140 He wrote the poems in February, May and June 1943. Theodor W. Adorno
Archive, Frankfurt am Main (Ts 51833).
141 Adorno to his mother, 10 February 1943, Briefe an die Eltern 1939–1951,
p. 180ff.
142 Ibid., p. 181 (‘sense of proportion’ was in English [trans.]).
143 Adorno to Grab, 27 October 1945, Theodor W. Adorno Archive, Frank-
furt am Main (Br 497/39, 40).
144 Adorno to Grab, 2 May 1946, Theodor W. Adorno Archive, Frankfurt am
Main (Br 497/41, 42).
145 Adorno to Grab, 4 and 25 October 1945, Theodor W. Adorno Archive,
Frankfurt am Main (Br 497/36/39).
146 Adorno to Grab, 2 May 1946, Theodor W. Adorno Archive, Frankfurt
am Main (Br 497/41, 42). Charlotte later remarried and became Mrs
Violin, while her husband married Anita Seligmann in 1948. Adorno had
known Anita in the 1930s in Frankfurt, where she had intended to write a
dissertation on Robert Walser.
147 Adorno to Luli von Bodenhausen, 8 July 1951, Theodor W. Adorno
Archive, Frankfurt am Main (Br 154/18).
148 Theodor W. Adorno Archive, Frankfurt am Main (Ts 1396/1515).
149 Adorno, Minima Moralia, p. 18.
150 In Nietzsche’s writings, like those of Adorno, aphorisms are accorded
an intermediate place between philosophy and literature. The works of
Nietzsche that Adorno referred to were Beyond Good and Evil, and the
collections Human, All Too Human, Daybreak and The Gay Science. See
Heinz Krüger, Über den Aphorismus als philosophische Form.
151 Adorno, Minima Moralia, p. 16ff.
152 Ibid., p. 33.
153 Ibid., p. 33f.
154 According to the archivists, the Theodor W. Adorno Archive in Frankfurt
has preserved handwritten diaries that have not yet been catalogued and
are therefore not available for scrutiny. It may be assumed that in part
they contain early versions both of his philosophical essays and of the
aphorisms that have been collected in Minima Moralia. He had planned
to publish more aphorisms and had already written and arranged texts for
a future book.
155 Adorno, Minima Moralia, p. 49. In Carl Maria von Weber’s opera Der
Freischütz (The Sharpshooter), the hero sells his soul for magic bullets
which never miss their mark [trans.].

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