
(Tina Sui) #1

612 Notes to pp. 477– 483

To put it brutally, if the alternative is to choose between the police or
the left-wing students, then I am with the students – with one decisive
exception, of course, namely if I am threatened or there is a threat to
use force against me or my friends, and if the threat is meant seriously.
The occupation of rooms (outside my house) without any such threat
of violence is in my view no reason to call the police.... The alternative
for me is to come to Frankfurt and discuss with the students, or not
to come at all.’ Wolfgang Kraushaar (ed.), Frankfurter Schule und
Studentenbewegung, vol. 2, p. 601f.
145 Marcuse to Adorno, 4 June 1969, Horkheimer, Briefwechsel, GS, vol. 18,
p. 732ff.
146 Adorno to Marcuse, 19 June 1969, Frankfurter Adorno Blätter, VI, 2000,
p. 111.
147 Ibid.
148 Ibid., p. 112.
149 Rudolf zur Lippe, who had been friendly with the Adornos since 1968,
knew from conversations with Adorno’s doctor, who was also his doctor,
just how risky a 3000-metre mountain was for Adorno, who had heart
trouble. See Lippe, ‘Die Frankfurter Studentenbewegung und das Ende
Adornos’, p. 116.
150 Adorno, ‘Uromi’, GS, vol. 20.2, p. 571.
151 Horkheimer, ‘Theodor W. Adorno zum Gedächtnis’, GS, vol. 7, p. 289f.

Epilogue: Thinking Against Oneself

1 Adorno to Plessner, 11 February 1958, Institut für Sozialforschung, Ordner
Korrespondenzen, quoted in Alex Demirovic, Der nonkonformistische
Intellektuelle, p. 673.
2 Adorno and Mann, Briefwechsel, p. 134.
3 Adorno and Ernst Bloch, ‘Etwas fehlt... Glück und Utopie: Ein Gespräch
mit Theodor W. Adorno’, p. 411.
4 Theodor W. Adorno Archive, Frankfurt am Main (Ts 52018).
5 Adorno, Negative Dialectics, p. 371.
6 Ibid.
7 Rolf Tiedemann, ‘Editor’s Preface’, in Adorno, Beethoven: The Philosophy
of Music, p. viii.
8 Adorno to his parents, 11 June 1940, Briefe an die Eltern 1939–51, p. 87.
9 The volume Beethoven: The Philosophy of Music, ed. Rolf Tiedemann, is a
fragment from his posthumous papers, assembled from the various manu-
scripts and individual pieces of text that Adorno wrote on the composer.
10 See Adorno, Zu einer Theorie der musikalischen Reproduktion, NaS, vol. 2.
11 Adorno, Problems of Moral Philosophy.
12 Adorno, Minima Moralia, p. 39; Edmund Jephcott has translated this:
‘Wrong life cannot be lived rightly’ [trans.].
13 Adorno, Negative Dialectics, p. 365.
14 See Rolf Tiedemann, ‘Editorische Nachbemerkung’, in Adorno, GS,
vol. 9.2, p. 404.
15 See Rudolf zur Lippe, ‘Die Frankfurter Studentenbewegung und das Ende
Adornos’, p. 123ff.

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