
(Tina Sui) #1
Index 647

Baden-Württemberg, 449
Baeck, Leo, 182
Bahrdt, Hans-Paul, 371
Baker, Josephine, 102
Balázs, Béla, 92
Balzac, Honoré de, 357
Bar Harbor, 243, 271
barbarism, 360, 454
Bartók, Béla, 41, 45, 46, 194
Bataille, Georges, 231
Battenberg, art dealer, 102
Bauchschleifer, Archibald, 289–91
Baudelaire, Charles, 93, 225, 237,
257, 258, 259, 307, 473
Bauer, Fritz, 450
Bauer, Moritz, 69
Bavaria, 79, 99, 359
Beatles, 420
Becker, Carl Heinrich, 82
Becker, Egon, 352, 375, 449
Becker, Hellmut, 347, 375, 378, 408,
Becker, Werner, 440
Beckett, Samuel, 356–60, 362, 364,
408, 421, 432, 469, 471, 472
Beckmann, Max, 52–3, 102
Beethoven, Ludwig von: centrality,
113, 471; Fidelio, 106; late work,
236, 315; Missa Solemnis, 482;
Piano Sonata, op. 111, 311, 315;
symphonies, 253, 394; TA’s music
criticism, 394, 482; TA’s piano
playing, 28, 300, 470; TA’s planned
book on, 482; Violin Concerto, 21;
violin sonatas, 28
Bellini, Vincenzo, 11
Belzec, 308
Benjamin, Dora, 237
Benjamin, Stefan, 459
Benjamin, Walter, 116; archives, 457;
Berlin Childhood around 1900,
341, 342; circle, 73; debate with
TA, 214–19, 239; essays, 126;
exile in Paris, 129, 162, 178, 214,
217, 229, 255; German Men and
Women, 219; and Gretel Adorno,
55–6, 59, 122, 162, 214, 281, 342;
on happiness, 3; and Heidegger,
431; Illuminations, 80; influence on
TA, 127, 155, 172; internment, 261,

262; Italy, 95–6; on Kafka, 353;
and Kracauer, 225, 226; Letters,
457; Marxism, 218, 258, 457, 458;
One-Way Street, 342; Origin of
German Tragic Drama, 73, 124,
141, 145, 149; Paris arcades, 122,
208, 214–19, 225; posthumous
controversy, 457–9; publications,
102, 257–9; relations with TA,
83, 94, 241, 438, 457, 458; suicide,
262–3, 393; on TA’s dissertation,
128–30; TA’s holidays with, 237,
240; TA’s lectures on, 145–50;
TA’s letters to, 92, 157, 181, 183,
213, 223, 231, 232, 233, 236, 246,
250, 261; and TA’s opera, 162, 165;
TA’s opinion of, 231, 404; ‘Theses
on the Philosophy of History’, 269,
281, 347, 363; Writings, 342, 457;
photograph, plate 14
Benn, Gottfried, 373
Bens, Max, 342
Benseler, Frank, 426
Berchtesgaden, 161
Berg, Alban, 96, 198; Altenberg-
Lieder, 88; correspondence with
TA, 54, 84, 95, 99, 100, 104, 107,
119, 120, 121, 124, 161, 181, 188–9,
190, 194; death, 84, 208–13;
influence on TA, 113, 114; love
affairs, 62, 210, 211; Lulu, 84,
208, 209, 210, 211, 409; Lyric Suite,
210, 211, 212, 307; and Nazis, 178;
relations with TA, 107, 110, 111,
188–9, 317; Second String Quartet,
211; TA’s book on, 398, 463; TA’s
meeting with, 68, 84; TA’s music
criticism, 152, 183, 315, 395; TA’s
Vienna period with, 83–94, 96,
97, 113, 399–400, 482; Three
Fragments from Wozzek, 84, 86;
Violin Concerto, 84, 209, 212;
works, 83–4; Wozzek, 68, 83–4,
85, 92, 98, 125, 194, 210, 211, 388,
400; photograph, plate 15
Berg, Helene, 92, 93, 209, 210, 211,
212, 388, 399, 434
Bergen, Edgar, 313
Bergengruen, Werner, 227, 331
Bergmann, Joachim, 375
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