
(Tina Sui) #1
658 Index

Löwenthal, Leo, 123; background, 44;
California, 267; closing institute,
270, 271; collaboration with
TA, 292; description of TA, 44;
editorial work, 150, 151, 257; exile,
196, 197, 267; and Horkheimer,
259–60; Institute of Social
Research, 267; and Lazarsfeld, 252,
255; and Nazism, 175, 178; New
York, 269; professional Jew, 20;
TA’s criticism of, 231; TA’s letters
to, 74, 77, 183, 233; TA’s post-war
visits, 337; TA’s relations with,
30, 83, 98, 144, 299, 310, 399;
Unmastered Past, 33
Löwith, Karl, 368, 401
Lubitsch, Ernst, 300
Lucca, 401
Luchterhand Verlag, 426, 460
Ludditism, 364
Lugana Beach, 311
Luisenheim, 86–7
Lukács, Georg, 36, 77, 80, 92, 94, 124,
125, 132, 149, 171
Lund, Robert, 196
Luxemburg, Rosa, 76
Lynd, Robert, 245, 372

McCarthy, Charlie, 313
MacIver, Robert, 196
Macmurray, John, 189
Madonna di Campiglio, 95
Mahler, Alma, 84, 87, 91–2, 399
Mahler, Gustav: and anti-Semitism,
173; and Berg, 86; Das Lied von
der Erde, 395; Kindertotenlieder,
88, 208; symphonies, 85, 91, 208,
395–6, 403; TA’s music criticism,
108; TA’s music playing, 38; and
Thomas Mann, 318; and Vienna,
400; Wayfarer’s Songs, 208
Mahler: A Musical Physiognomy
(1960), 327, 394–8
Maier, Alice, 256
Main River, 13, 14, 29, 38, 52
Majdanek, 308
Malibu, 312
Malraux, Claire, 222
Mandelbaum, Kurt, 144
Manet, Edouard, 406

Mann, Erika, 316, 317, 319
Mann, Golo, 378
Mann, Heinrich, 345–6
Mann, Katya, 267, 300, 317, 319
Mann, Thomas: and Beckett, 358;
Black Swan, 356; Californian
exile, 267, 300; death, 413;
Doktor Faustus, 311, 314–20; and
Frankfurt University, 373; Holy
Sinner, 350; opinions on TA’s
books, 343, 344, 346, 355–6;
plagiarism, 314–20; post-war, 331,
332, 334–5; relations with TA, 409;
return to Europe, 350; Sils Maria,
401; TA’s letters to, 170, 332, 334,
337, 481
Mannheim, 15
Mannheim, Karl, 70, 143, 154, 155–9,
157, 159, 177, 188, 203
Marburg University, 377
Marcuse, Herbert: California, 267,
269; exile, 196; and Freud, 388;
and Horkheimer, 259–60; Institute
of Social Research, 136, 175, 378;
Institute of Social Research in
New York, 257, 270; and Nazism,
178; post-war politics, 415;
reputation, 380; Sils Maria, 401,
402; and student movement, 450,
463–4, 477–8; TA’s criticism of,
231; and TA’s death, 486; TA’s
letters to, 360, 432, 434, 449, 456,
462–3, 463–5, 470, 477; and Weber,
Marcuse, Ludwig, 299, 440
Marienbad, 91
Marseilles, 262, 269
Marshall, John, 252
Marx, Karl: 150th anniversary, 442–7;
commodity, 220; Communist
Manifesto, 7; consciousness, 144–5;
critique of capitalism, 154, 379,
443, 444; critique of Hegel, 366;
critique of ideology, 79; critique
of political economy, 73, 151,
443; emigration, 8; philosophy of
history, 37, 445; synthesis with
Hegel, 36; TA’s readings, 120, 219;
TA’s seminars, 367; tradition, 417;
utopianism, 266
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