
(Tina Sui) #1
Index 663

Salomon-Delatour, Gottfried, 56, 69,
73, 77
Salzburg, 91, 161
San Diego, 449
San Francisco, 61, 292, 303, 308, 389
San Remo, 237, 238, 240
Sandemann, Karl, 336
Sanford, Nevitt, 288, 292
Schapiro, Meyer, 243
Der Scheinwerfer, 160
Scheler, Max, 48, 70, 109
Schelling, Friedrich, 48, 104, 376
Schelsky, Helmut, 338–41, 371, 384,
Scherchen, Hermann, 39, 41, 48, 84,
103, 106
Schiele, Egon, 87
Schirach, Baldur von, 184
‘Schlageranalysen’, 51
Schleicher, Kurt von, 173, 183
Schleussner, Carl Adolf, 102
Schmid, Carlo, 417
Schmid, Richard, 450
Schmidt, Arno, 404
Schmidt, Regina, 449
Schnädelbach, Herbert, 366, 440
Schnebel, Dieter, 406, 407, 469
Schneider, Alan, 359
Schneider, Reinhold, 331
Schnitzler, Georg von, 173
Schnitzler-Mallinckrodt, Lilly von, 102
Schoen, Ernst, 124, 178
Schoenberg, Arnold: Arnold-
Schoenberg-Medaille, 412; Berg’s
letters to, 97; California, 267, 274;
circle, 62, 83, 90; death, 355; exile,
178; F sharp major quartet, 336;
Frankfurt musical life, 41; influence
on TA, 113, 471; model, 81; and
musical Vienna, 88; Oxford
musical life, 194; performances,
262; relations with TA, 90, 97–8,
121–2, 399; Schoenberg school,
108; Second String Quartet, 87–8;
Serenade, 85; sixtieth birthday, 85,
182; Survivor from Warsaw, 341;
TA’s music criticism, 45, 46, 84,
85–6, 107–8, 111, 125, 152, 183,
236, 275, 276–7, 315, 355, 393;
works, 111

Schoenberg, Gertrud, 267
Scholem, Gershom, 147, 243, 258,
263, 342, 346, 347, 355, 406, 437–8,
458, 483
Schöne Aussicht, 14, 329, 330, 470,
plate 5
Schopenhauer, Arthur, 14, 71, 79,
104, 120, 123, 342
Schreiber, Flora, 253
Schreker, Franz, 41
Schroeder, Claus, 184
Schubert, Franz, 38, 183, 253
Schultze, Bernhard, 347
Schulz, Franz, 73, 147
Schumann, Friedrich, 72, 77
Schumann, Michael, 375
Schütte, Wolfram, 457
Sedlmayr, Hans, 341
Seefried, Irmgard, 400
Seeheim, 15–16, 18, 27
Segesta, 436
Segovia, Andrés, 193
Seiber, Mátyás, 201, 202
Sekles, Bernhard, 38, 45, 86
Seligmann, Anita, 61–2
Seligmann, Marie, 243
Senghor, Leopold Sédar, 460
sentimentality, 51
Shakespeare, William, 358
Sicily, 308, 436
Sils Maria, 356, 401–2, 413, 420, 436,
456, 466, plates 21, 22
Simmel, Ernst, 292
Simmel, Georg, 36, 43, 73
Simon, Heinrich, 41, 102, 129, 222
Simon, Heinz, 102
Simpson, George, 252
Singer, Kurt, 182
Sinn und Form, 334
Sinzheimer, Hugo, 70
Sisley, Alfred, 219
Smetana, Bedrich: Bartered Bride,
Sobibor, 308
social democracy, 377
Social Democratic Party, 175, 177
social totality, 429
Society for Social Research, 330, 335
Society for the Protection of Science
and Learning, 187
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