
(Tina Sui) #1
Index 665

Tengler & Co., 56, 191, 228
terrorism, 453
Teschner, Manfred, 375
Teufel, Fritz, 454
Theory of Musical Reproduction, 482
Thiess, Frank, 227, 331
Third Reich, 24, 169–86
Thomas, Martin Luther, 292
Tiedemann, Rolf, 280, 471, 485
Tillich, Hannah, 176
Tillich, Paul, 70, 109, 122, 128, 140,
141, 143, 176, 177, 189, 243
Tobisch von Labotyn, Lotte, 88, 399,
Toller, Ernst, 75, 79
Tolnay, Anna von, 91
totality: concept, 77
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de, 219
town planning, 334
trade unions, 371, 372
Trakl, Georg, 29, 96, 115, 239, 277
Treasure of Indian Joe, 162–5, 183
Treblinka, 308–9
Troeltsch, Ernst, 56, 69
Tübingen, 177, 425–6
Tuscany, 110, 400–1
Twain, Mark, 96, 142, 164
Tyrol, 39

Überlingen, 395
Uhland, Ludwig, 207
Ullstein Press, 106, 107, 109, 120
United Kingdom: appeasement, 188;
and Germany, 192; refugees, 188;
Suez crisis, 413
United States: anti-Americanism,
451; anti-communism, 314;
citizenship, 299, 320, 348, 412;
crossing the continent, 352; end
of neutrality, 298; ideological
mobilization, 280; popular culture,
349–50; TA’s emigration to, 26,
170, 172, 229; TA’s post-war
periods in, 336–7, 348–52; TA’s
publications, 94; see also
California; New York
Universal Edition, 108, 121
Unruh, Fritz von, 40–1, 102
Unseld, Siegfried, 357–8, 401, 421,
471, 480, plate 30

Utah, 273
utopia, 36–7, 421, 481

Valais, 456, 466
Valencia, 51
Valéry, Paul, 355, 357
Van Gogh, Vincent, 219
Varèse, Edgar, 341
Veblen, Thorsten, 274, 372
Venice, 483
Verdi, Giuseppe, 312
Verlaine, Paul, 469
Viebrock, Helmut, 347, 403
Vienna, 55, 58; avant-garde, 87,
88; circle, 232; favourite place,
399–400, 466; Freud centenary,
388; Luisenheim, 86–7, plate 10;
music journals, 45; Opera, 463;
publishers, 108, 110; TA’s
period in, 83–94, 95, 97, 153, 482;
University, 133, 185
Vienna String Quartet, 90
Viertel, Berthold, 89, 267, 300
Viertel, Salomé (Salka), née
Steuermann, 89, 262, 267, 274,
Vietnam, 443, 450–1
Villinger, Arthur, 16
Villinger, Jenni, née Wiesengrund,
16, 23, 490
Visp, 478, 484
Voigt, Georg, 35
Volkelt, Johannes, 140, 141
Vossische Zeitung, 129, 160, 180

Wagner, Richard: Bayreuth, 29;
biography, xii; circle, 29; Die
Meistersinger, 183–4; Fragments
on Wagner, 237–40, 251, 258; Ring,
239; Siegfried, 11; Tannhäuser, 11;
TA’s essays on, 151, 236, 315; TA’s
music playing, 233, 312; Tristan,
406; Twilight of the Gods, 227
Wahl, Jean, 407
Waldhaus Hotel, 356, 401, 413, 420,
436, 456, plate 21
Wallace, Henry, 350
Wallenstein, Lothar, 102
Walser, Robert, 20, 354
Walter, Bruno, 48, 106, 401
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