In many cases, determining dates for the lives of Indian figures is problematic
because there are not good records for many figures, even in comparatively modern
times. The most definite dates tend to be from inscriptions, and thus this evidence is
best for kings and others who were able to commission inscriptions. Philosophers,
devotional poets, and writers often could not. In this book, a question mark follows
dates that scholars have determined by inference (for example, based on internal
evidence in texts, such as references to historical events) but are not backed up by
documentary evidence.
Note on Dates
How to Use This Book
This encyclopedia includes the following features:
The Contents by Subject lists related entries in the following categories: Art,
Architecture, and Iconography; Astrology and Cosmology; Biographical Entries;
Calendar and Time; Ceremonies, Practices, and Rituals; Communities, Groups,
and Organizations; Dance; Dynasties; Geography; Literature, Language, and
Drama; Medicine, Physiology, and Alchemy; Music, Hymns, and Prayers;
Mythology and Beliefs; Philosophy and Logic; and Yoga and Tantra.
Cross-referenced terms within entries are indicated in boldface type.
Parenthetical citations are used to refer to selections from primary Hindu texts.
For sources from the Vedas, the first number refers to the book and the second to
the hymn. For later sources, including the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, and all
of the dharma literature, the first number refers to the chapter and the second to
the verse.
Lineage charts for characters in the Hindu epics the Mahabharata and the
Ramayanaappear on pages 401 and 556, respectively.
Words with distinctive pronunciations are listed in the back of the book with
diacritical marks—symbols above or below the letters to indicate their
proper pronunciation.
Abbreviated bibliographic citations appear at the end of some entries. The full
citations are grouped together in the bibliography.
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