The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Hinduism (2 Vol Set)

(vip2019) #1


In Sanskritpoetry and literature, the
name for the cuckoo bird, usually
invoked as a symbol of longing.

Chatterjee, Bankim Chandra

(1838–1894) Bengali writer and Indian
nationalist who was one of the major
figures in the nineteenth-century
revival of Bengali literature and in
making the area a hotbed of opposition
to British rule. As a young man,
Chatterjee perceived how the influence
of English language and culture was
superseding that of Indian culture
among educated Indians. He sought to
reverse this through his writing and
political activism by encouraging
Indian intellectuals to rediscover their
classical culture. He became a seminal
figure in both literature and politics,
paving the way for the poet Rabin-
dranath Tagoreand political activists
Aurobindo Ghoseand Subhash Chandra
Bose. Chatterjee’s most famous novel,
Anandamath, focused on the late
eighteenth-century Sanyasi Rebellion,

in which bands of militant ascetics,
both Hindu and Muslim, fought with
the British East India Company for
control of Bengal. Although historical
inquiry attributes this conflict to social
and economic tensions in contempo-
rary Bengal, Chatterjee portrays it alle-
gorically as a struggle by Mother India’s
loyal children to expel the British
invaders. Chatterjee also wrote the
words to “Vande Mataram” (“Homage to
Mother [India]”), a patriotic song often
described as the unofficial Indian
national anthem.


A pilgrim shelter, particularly in the
Himalayas. The word chattiis a variant
form of the word for “umbrella” and was
used because these shelters were often
simply roofs supported by pillars, to
keep the pilgrims dry in case of rain. Up
until the middle of the twentieth
century, many Himalayan pilgrims still
traveled on foot and used a network of
chattis along the pilgrimage routes.
These chattis were eight to twelve miles


Vishnu sleeping on a serpent couch. According to Hindu tradition, during the four months that Vishnu
sleeps, the world is denied his protective powers and the Chaturmas Vrat is observed during this time.
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