is associated with a particular divinity,
which is believed to rule over this direc-
tion and to be the guardian associated
with it. See Guardians of the Directions.
Divine Life Society
Religious organization founded in 1936
by Swami Shivananda. It is headquar-
tered at the Divine Life Ashram, just
outside the holy city of Rishikeshon the
river Ganges in the state of Uttar
Pradesh. Although Shivananda himself
died in 1963, the society is still quite
active in spreading the ways of Hindu
life: through yoga (self-discipline) train-
ing programs at the Divine Life Ashram;
through publishing religious texts, both
traditional scriptures and the teachings
of Swami Shivananda; through estab-
lishing religious centers throughout the
world; and through various social ser-
vice projects in India itself. Swami
Shivananda was a Dashanami Sanyasi
(ascetic) in the Saraswati division,
which is one of the divisions that admits
only brahmins(priests). The Swami’s
brahmin background comes through in
the organization’s teachings, which
stress vegetarianism, rigorous spiritual
development, an emphasis on learning,
and a strict moral code. For all these rea-
sons the organization is widely respected in
Indian society, despite having a significant
number of foreign practitioners.
Divine Powers
When a single divinity is deemed to be
the supreme power in the universe, he
or she is generally said to wield five over-
arching divine powers: creation, order-
ing and maintaining the cosmos,
destruction, concealment, and giving
grace (divine self-revelation). The first
three powers describe the relationship
between the deityand the physical uni-
verse, whereas the fourth and fifth focus
on the deity’s relationship with individ-
ual devotees. By using the power of con-
cealment, the deity becomes hidden
in creation, and thus human beings
are kept in ignorance. This power
of concealment is often also described
as the deity’s maya, or the power of
illusion that keeps human beings from
Divine Powers
A man performs the dipa ritual, offering a lamp before the image of a deity.