The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Hinduism (2 Vol Set)

(vip2019) #1

According to the dharma literature, a
twice-born man was one born into the
brahmin, kshatriya, or vaishyacom-
munities, who was thus eligible for the
adolescent religious initiationknown as
the “second birth.” See Surya.


In Indian culture, a mythic figure and
the model for a virtuous and faithful
wife, who by her cleverness is able to
rescue her husband Satyavanfrom the
clutches of Death himself. Before Savitri
is betrothed to Satyavan, she has been
told that he will die within a year. Savitri
replies that she has chosen him for her
husband and will not be deterred. On
the day that he is fated to die, Satyavan
goes to the forest to cut wood, accompa-
nied by Savitri. After Satyavan falls
unconscious while working, Savitri sees
Yama, the god of Death, draw out
Satyavan’s soul and start his journey
back to the underworld. Savitri follows
them. When Yama tells her that she can-
not follow where they are going, she
meekly replies that it is her wifely duty
to follow her husband. Yama grants her
some wishes, although she is forbidden
to ask for her husband’s life. Savitri first
requests that her blind father-in-law
shall regain his sight, then that he shall
regain the kingdom from which he has
been exiled, and finally that she shall
have many sons. All of these requests
are granted, and when she points out
that the return of her husband will be
necessary for her to have many sons,
Yama acknowledges that he has been
outwitted, and leaves the two of them to
many happy years together.

Savitri Puja

Religious observance on the new moonin
the lunar monthof Jyeshth(May–June),
celebrating the virtue of Savitri, who res-
cued her husband Satyavanfrom the
clutches of Ya m a, the god of Death. This
observance is usually kept only by
women, to promote the health and
longevity of their husbands, and thus

ensure them a long married life. As a
woman whose entire energies were
directed toward the well-being of her
family, Savitri is a cultural model for
Indian women; her ability to save her hus-
band from death demonstrates her virtue
and cleverness as well. Women observing
this rite worshipSavitri, Satyavan, and
Yama; keep a strict fast (upavasa) before
the worship; and after worship eat only
fruit for the rest of the day.


(14th c.) A southern Indian brahmin
scholar most famous for his commen-
taries on the Vedas, the oldest and most
authoritative Hindu religious texts.
Sayana’s commentary is notable, in part
because it is an outstanding scholarly
work, but also because this is generally
believed to be the first time that the Veda
was ever written down, an estimated
three thousand years after some of the
hymns were composed. Part of Sayana’s
commentary was simply explanatory
because, in the time since the Vedas had
been composed, the meanings of many
of the words had been forgotten.
Sayana’s text is noted as a careful and
credible clarification of the text.


Branch of the visual arts most important
in Hindu religion for its use as
decoration in architectureand in the
construction of images of Hindu deities
for worship. Both these sculptural forms
were regulated by precisely defined
canons. See also shilpa shastra.


According to the most traditional enu-
meration, there are six seasons, each
spanning two lunar months: Vasanta
(spring) in the lunar months of Chaitra
and Baisakh; Grishma (hot season) in
Jyeshthand Ashadh; Varsha (rains) in
Shravanand Bhadrapada; Sharad (fall)
in Ashvinand Kartik; Hemanta (winter)
in Margashirsha and Paush; and


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