(“renunciation”) Practice of renuncia-
tion stressed most by ascetics, but even
among this group, some stress it more
than others. Some ascetics carry this to
extreme lengths. One famous ascetic,
Swami Karpatri, was famous for receiv-
ing the food he was given as alms into
his cupped hands, signifying the renun-
ciation of an eating-vessel. The most
extreme examples are ascetics who have
given up all clothing as a symbol of
renunciation of conventional standards,
including shame. The ultimate purpose
in such renunciation varies with the
individual, but one of the common
themes is to serve as a model of how lit-
tle one really needs to live a happy and
fulfilling life and thus to illustrate the
fundamental values that people often
forget in the bustle of everyday life.
Many ordinary people also share this
value in seeking to simplify their lives
through giving up attachments and