Simantonnayana, 527, 591
Simantonnayana Samskara,
650 – 651
Simhakarna, 651
Simuka, 651
Sin, Ajamila, 21
Singer, Milton, 287, 372
Singh, Gobind, 8–9
Singh, Ishvari Prasad Narayan,
562, 651
Singh, Jaideva, 519, 525, 580, 753
Singh, Shukdev, 116, 329, 593, 720
Singh, Udit Narayan, 562, 651
Sinhastha Mela, 651 – 653
Sita, 39, 63, 76, 84, 102, 151, 171,
271, 312, 313, 328, 388, 418,
440, 463, 493, 555, 560, 563,
569, 616, 653 – 654
Sitamarhi, 654
Siva(O’Flaherty), 341
Six schools, 65, 242, 331, 350, 469,
472, 654 – 655. See also
Skanda, 185, 288, 346, 355, 374,
377, 379, 450, 474, 489, 505,
508, 620, 648, 655 – 656 , 665,
680, 703, 735
Smallpox, 656
Smara, 656
Smarana, 656
Smarta, 656
Smarta brahmins, 494
Smith, Brian K., 424
Smrti, 339, 360, 499, 637, 656,
656 – 657. See alsoPuranas
Manu Smrti, 190, 423 – 424
narada smrti, 461
Snana, 3, 6, 17, 27, 29, 30, 40, 62,
81, 88, 127, 145, 150, 246,
392, 411, 539, 573, 657 – 658 ,
689, 720
kapalamochana, 96, 121, 349
Snataka, 658
Solah Somvar Vrat, 444, 658
Solar Line, 58, 293, 393, 532, 545,
550, 581, 659
Soma, 16, 295, 393, 572, 659 , 741
“Soma and Amonita Muscaria”
(Brough), 659
Soma(Wasson), 659
Somavati, 394
Somavati Amavasya, 444, 471, 659
Someshvara, 306
Someshvara I, 659 – 660
Somnath, 444, 445, 660
Somnath temple, 166, 325, 410
Sonar, 660 – 661
Song of Manik Chandra, 661
Songs of Kabir from the Adigranth
(Dass), 329
Songs of the Saints of India
329, 440, 569, 673, 674, 713
The Song of Manik Chandra, 255
Sons, 3, 10, 11, 14, 37, 58, 79, 577,
581, 661 – 662
Sopashraya, 662
Soratha, poetry, 662
Sorcery. See alsoMagic
baiga, 80
A Sourcebook in Indian Philosophy
8, 13, 49, 65–66, 214, 224,
332, 481, 487, 502, 520,
536, 538, 555, 589, 624,
655, 731, 759
South Africa, 578, 662. See also
Diaspora populations
South Asian Religion and Society
(Parpola/Hansen), 21
Space, 115, 220, 662. See also
Speaking of Siva(Ramanujan), 29,
88, 185, 391, 402
“Special Time, Special Power”
(Stanley), 366
Sphota, 662
“Sramanas” ( Jaini), 61, 639