Vastradhari, 742
Vasudeva, 83, 184, 315, 370, 742 ,
743, 783
Vasuki, 316, 452, 705, 743
Vata, 25, 75, 142, 350, 513, 675, 743
Vatsalya bhava, 83, 442, 743
Vatsyayana, sage, 342, 481, 528,
529, 743 – 744
Vaudeville, Charlotte, 86, 329
Vayu, 42, 83, 109, 262, 271, 495,
- See alsoWind
Veda, 13, 17, 30, 74, 744
Vedangas, 140, 325, 476, 629,
744 – 745 , 769
Kalpa, 339
Vedanta, 77, 124, 537, 544, 554,
588, 726, 745. See also
Advaita Vedanta; Philosophy
Dvaitadvaita Vedanta, 213
Dvaita Vedanta, 213 – 214
Vedanta Deshika, 745
Vedanta school, 456
Vedanta Society, 745 – 746
Vedanta Sutras, 77, 623, 746
Vedarambha samskara, 591, 746
Vedas, 7, 7–8, 10, 12 – 13 , 16, 18,
36, 41, 44, 48, 49, 50, 56, 57,
60, 69, 77, 113, 191, 386,
438, 441, 449, 464, 472, 515,
518, 526, 532, 537, 538, 548,
576, 578, 582, 604, 612, 637,
646, 656, 657, 715, 722, 741.
See alsoRg Veda;
Atharva Veda, 36, 69 , 399, 511, 768
Black Yajur Veda, 48, 88,
118 , 339
cosmology, 44
hymns, 159–160
Sama Veda, 69, 369, 586 , 718
Samhita, 14–15, 123, 587
White Yajur Veda, 118, 771 – 772
Yajur Veda, 7, 69, 113, 123, 573,
626, 776
Vedic Aryans and the Origins of
Civilization(Frawley), 302
Vegetarianism, 149, 163, 164, 198,
199, 746. See alsoEating
Vellala, 740, 746
Velur, 247, 746 – 747
Vena, 747
Venkateshvara, 83, 747 , 753
temples, 39, 702
Venu, 747
Venus, 230, 246, 251, 324, 486,
748 , 771. See also
Goddess; Planets
Veshara style, architecture, 51,
747 – 748
Vetala, 181, 748
Vibhishana, 181, 557, 748
Vibhuti, 578, 709, 724, 748 – 749
Vichitravirya, King, 32, 33, 111,
194, 496, 610, 625, 628, 749
Vicious circle, 225, 749. See
Victory to the Mother(Erndl), 139,
149, 325, 455, 638, 733
Vidhi, 749
Vidura, 289, 535, 749
Vidyadhara, 749
Vidyapati, poet, 411, 750
Vidyarambha samskara, 591, 746, 750
Vighneshvar, 750
Vihara, 19, 750 – 751
Vijaya, 65, 172, 318, 751
Vijaya Dashami, 751
Vijaya Ekadashi, 219, 227, 509, 751
Vijayanagar Dynasty, 353, 373, 470,
497, 643, 684, 701, 751
Vijnaneshvara, 440, 751 – 752
Vikram Era, 130, 719, 752
Vikramaditya, King, 336, 403, 507,
719, 752
Vikramorvashiya,336, 752
Village deities, 20, 41, 80, 118, 206,
515, 530, 752 – 753
Vimana, 753