Wives of the God-King(Marglin),
71, 171, 529, 781
Women, 86, 97, 99, 190, 287, 299,
518, 520, 607, 630, 650, 773.
See alsoDaughters; Goddess;
Marriage; Suicide
abortion, 3 , 227 – 228
adultery affecting, 11 – 12 , 229,
406, 507
assumptions about, 2, 17, 33, 386
bhakti, 79
celestial, 27, 150
child widows, 148
childhood rites, 591
devadasis, 104, 171, 183 – 184
divorce, 200
dowry death, 203 – 204
equality for, 57, 74, 107, 121,
178, 303, 342–343, 360, 478
festivals, 277, 612, 696
as gift, 169, 177, 203
joking relationships, 322
menstruation, 436
ordeal, 483
palace quarters, 44 , 127
poet-saints, 37
powers of, 6, 24, 67, 74, 597–598
pregnancy, 316, 526 – 527 ,
531, 650
prostitution, 171, 183, 528 – 529
quarters, 44
religious duty, 190, 664–665
restrictions upon, 4–5, 61, 218,
291, 410, 419, 427–428, 617
vows, 355–356
Women in India
( Jacobson/Wadley), 768
The Wonder That Was India
(Basham), 119
Woodroffe, Sir John, 773 – 774. See
alsoAvalon, Arthur
The Word of Lalla(Temple), 387
World of the Fathers, 776
World Parliament of Religions, 767, 774
Worship, 44, 305, 535, 657, 774.
See alsoSnana
of tools, 774
of weapons, 774
Wulff, Donna, 259, 403, 654
Yadav, K. C., 179
Yadava, 775
Yadunandana, 775
Yajamana, 311, 775
Yajna, 115, 124, 186, 492, 586, 775
Yajnavalkya, sage, 191, 315, 775
Yajnavalkya Smrti,440, 751, 775, 776
Yajnopavit, 776
Yajur Veda, 7, 69, 113, 123, 573, 626, 776
Yaksas(Coomaraswamy), 776
Yaksha, 435, 629, 664, 776
Yakshi, 197
Yama, 18, 65, 167, 191, 262, 332,
351, 354, 426, 445, 461, 612,
734, 776 – 777
Yamuna River, 25–26, 29, 95, 126,
127, 134, 150, 188, 239, 250,
269, 297, 337, 398, 567, 594,
631, 711, 718, 777 – 778
Yamunacharya, 466, 777
Yamunotri, 25, 78, 242, 363, 778
Yantra, 117, 640, 689, 778. See
Yashoda, 84, 92, 169, 315, 344, 371,
459, 742, 778
Yaska, grammarian, 441, 476,
778 – 779
Yathakhyati, 779
Yati, 60, 779
Yatra, 491, 779
Yatri, 780
Yayati, 780
Year, 619, 780. See alsoCalendar
calendar, 56, 130–131
intercalary month, 304 – 305 ,
394, 412–413, 536, 685
lunar, 61