Food: A Cultural Culinary History

(singke) #1
 We have never been able to create new species; only nature has
been able to do that over millions of years. The earliest forms of
GMOs, or genetically modifi ed organisms, were created in 1973
and involved taking a tiny gene, cutting off of a piece of DNA,
and then slicing it onto a tiny chromosome (plasmid). Because this
involves combining genes from one creature with another, it was
called recombinant DNA.

 Today, there are two main ways to genetically modify organisms.
One method involves taking an isolated gene plucked off the DNA
that is known to confer some desirable trait, loading it in a gun, and
shooting it into a cell—hoping the gene hits the right spot, becomes
lodged in the cell, and changes the growing organism so that it
expresses whatever the desirable trait may be.

 The other technology uses a vector, such as a bacteria or virus
(often a pathogen), which invades the cell on its own and introduces

Genetically modifi ed foods of the future might be packed with nutritional
content—and taste great.

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