Food: A Cultural Culinary History

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Adamson, Melitta. Food in Medieval Times. Westport, CT: Greenwood,

  1. A broad survey of food production, consumption, and ideas about food
    in Europe in the Middle Ages.

———. Regional Cuisines of Medieval Europe. New York: Routledge,

  1. A collection of essays exploring lesser-known regions of Europe and
    their cooking in the Middle Ages.

Albala, Ken. The Banquet: Dining in the Great Courts of Late Renaissance
Europe. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 2007. A culinary
history of elite dining in the 16th and 17th centuries.

———. Beans: A History. Oxford: Berg, 2007. A social history of beans
across the globe, from antiquity to the present.

———. Cooking in Europe, 1250–1650. Westport, CT: Greenwood 2006.
Recipes in translation from across Europe, with practical directions for
cooking them today.

———. Eating Right in the Renaissance. Berkeley, CA: University of
California Press, 2002. A study of European dietary theory from 1450 to 1650.

———. Food Cultures of the World Encyclopedia. 4 vols. Santa Barbara:
Greenwood, 2011. Huge encyclopedia covering every place on Earth,
discussing the history, cooking, and ideas about food.

Anderson, E. N. Everyone Eats: Understanding Food and Culture. New
York: New York University Press, 2005. An excellent introduction to the
anthropology of food, a sister discipline to history.

———. The Food of China. New Haven, CT, and London: Yale University
Press, 1988. The classic account of the history of food in China.

Anthimus. De Observatione Ciborum (“On the Observance of Foods”).
Mark Grant, tr. Totnes, Devon, England: Prospect, 1996. A Greek physician
in the 6th century is sent among the Franks and tells them how to eat.
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