Yoga as Therapeutic Exercise: A Practical Guide for Manual Therapists

(Jacob Rumans) #1

  1. Basic exercises for elbows, wrists, and hands6. Basic exercises for elbows, wrists, and hands 6. Basic exercises for elbows, wrists, and hands6. Basic exercises for elbows, wrists, and hands
    6. Then relax your fingers and thumbs on the floor
    for 1–2 breaths.
    7. Repeat points 4–6 3–5 times.
    8. Keeping the elbows unchanged and the palms on
    the floor, press the straight fingers and thumbs
    into the floor (Figure 6.148).
    9. Hold for 1–2 breaths; feel the effect on the
    wrists and arms.
    10. Then relax your fingers and thumbs on the floor
    for 1–2 breaths.
    11. Repeat points 8–10 3–5 times.
    12. Keeping the elbows unchanged and the palms
    on the floor, slightly bend all joints of your

fingers, press the pads of the fingers into
the floor, to get a slight isometric contraction of
the palms, fingers, and thumbs (Figure 6.149);
hold for 3–5 breaths; repeat once or twice.

If your elbows are weak, put a belt around them and
push your elbows against the belt.

Refined work
Practice the movements for the fingers and thumbs
for each finger individually or for two adjacent fin-
gers at the same time; try different speeds, also try
very fast.

Figure 6.147 Figure 6.148 Figure 6.149
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