Yoga as Therapeutic Exercise: A Practical Guide for Manual Therapists

(Jacob Rumans) #1

  1. Basic exercises for the hips8. Basic exercises for the hips 8. Basic exercises for the hips8. Basic exercises for the hips

Variations for external and internal
rotation in different planes
Sitting variation

  1. Sit on a folded blanket.

  2. Bend your knees so that the soles of your feet
    come together.

  3. Hold your feet or ankles with your hands, with
    your elbows straight (Figure 6.163); if you need
    help in sitting upright, use a short belt loop
    around your feet, holding the belt with your
    hands (see Chapter 7, Baddha Ko āsana).

  4. Rhythmically oscillate your legs like the wings of
    a butterfly for 1–2 minutes.

  5. Stay calm in the position for a few breaths.

  6. Move your feet slightly away from the pelvis;
    bring your knees together, and straighten the
    legs, so that the kneecaps and the toes are
    pointing towards the ceiling.

Supine variation

  1. Lie on your back with straight legs, with your
    head comfortably supported.

  2. The legs are to be apart, and the feet at least two
    foot lengths apart.

Figure 6.161

Figure 6.162

Figure 6.163
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