Yoga as Therapeutic Exercise: A Practical Guide for Manual Therapists

(Jacob Rumans) #1

  1. Basic exercises for the knees9. Basic exercises for the knees 9. Basic exercises for the knees9. Basic exercises for the knees

Exercise 9.3: Mobile patella

Aims: mobilizing the kneecaps, coordination.

  1. Sit on the floor with straight legs, and the feet
    in dorsiflexion; use a backrest if necessary; put
    your fingertips around the kneecaps to feel the

  2. Continuing normal breathing, rhythmically
    contract and relax your thigh muscles to move
    your kneecaps, 5–10 times, contracting both
    sides at precisely the same time, then alternating
    left and right 5–10 times.

  3. Contract your thigh muscles; hold the
    contraction for 3–5 breaths; add a trace of
    flexion of your knee joints.

  4. Slowly let go of the thighs; relax them for 1–2

  5. Perform points 3 and 4 3–5 times.

Perform points 2–5 while standing.

Exercise 9.4: Posterior knee

Aims: mobilizing the knee joints, relaxing the back
of the knee.

  1. Sit on the floor using a support for the pelvis
    that is high enough so that you can bend your
    right knee, with the toes pointing backwards
    and both buttocks resting equally on the
    support (Figure 6.182); the left toes are
    pointing towards the ceiling.

  2. Slightly raise your right buttock until you can put
    the right palm and the flat fingers on the calf; the
    fingers are touching the back of the knee.

  3. With your fingers very gently pull the calf
    muscle away from the back of the knee and side-
    ways, while lowering your right buttock; then
    remove your right hand from the calf.

  4. Sit evenly on both buttocks.

  5. Put the right palm on your right thigh, the left palm
    on your left thigh; stay for 3–5 breaths.

  6. Put the sole of your right foot on the floor, with
    the knee pointing towards the ceiling, and slide

the right heel away to stretch the leg, keeping
the back of the knee soft.

  1. Repeat points 1–6 for the left leg.

  2. To finish sit with both legs straight for a few
    breaths, with the kneecaps and toes pointing
    towards the ceiling.

Exercise 9.5: Rotation of the
lower leg

Aims: mobilizing the knee joint into rotation and sta-
bilizing it.

  1. Sit on a chair, with the knees and feet more
    than hip width apart, and the shin bones
    perpendicular to the floor.

  2. Bend forward so that you can rest your left
    elbow on your left thigh; put your left hand
    on your right thigh close to the knee; keep
    the fingers on the outside of the thigh; the
    right hand is around the top of the right shin

  3. Keeping your right heel as a pivot, turn your
    right foot inwards (Figure 6.183) and outwards
    (Figure 6.184), 5–10 times.

  4. Your left hand is stabilizing the right thigh.

Figure 6.182
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