Yoga as Therapeutic Exercise: A Practical Guide for Manual Therapists

(Jacob Rumans) #1

Selected āsanas for integrating the aims and principles

Selected asanas̄ Selected āsanas
Selected asanas̄ Selected āsanas

  1. Utthita Pār vako āsana (Figure 7.11)

Meaning of the āsana and its name
Utthita means extended, pārśva is the side, and koa
means angle. In Utthita Pārśvako āsana one leg is
bent at a right angle, the trunk is stretched over it
to the side; the straight leg, the upper side of the
trunk, and the upper arm are in one line. There is
an intensive stretch from the toes to the fingertips.
Precise alignment, particularly from the deep struc-
tures of the body, is vital for this āsana.

Getting into the posture

  1. Stand in Tā āsana.

  2. Walk your feet one leg length plus one foot
    length apart; adjust the distance so that you feel
    stable and well stretched.

  3. Raise your arms to the sides, and stretch them in
    line with your shoulder girdle, palms facing the

  4. Keeping your trunk upright and in line turn
    your left foot on its heel 15° inwards, your right
    leg 90° outwards: lifting the front foot, turn it

    45° on its heel; lifting the heel, turn it 45° on
    the ball of the foot; in this way the line of the
    right foot is crossing the center of the arch of
    the left foot.
    5. Keep your left leg firm, and the outer edge of
    the left foot pressed to the floor, with the big
    toe on the floor; bend your right knee as you
    exhale until your right shin bone is vertical, and
    the knee is in line with the heel.
    6. Keeping the pelvis, thorax, shoulders, and arms
    in line, be in Vīrabhadrasana II for a moment.̄
    7. With an inhalation lengthen your spine and the
    left leg.
    8. Keeping the right big toe on the floor, press the
    right heel and the outer edge of the left foot
    into the floor, lengthening the right side of your
    9. With an exhalation bend your trunk sideways
    to the right, and place your right palm or
    fingertips beside your right outer heel on the
    10. Keep the right shin bone vertical and the right
    knee in contact with the right arm.
    11. Place your left hand on your left hip; lift your
    left hip.
    12. Place your left hand on your left costal arch, and
    lift the costal arch and turn it back.
    13. Place your left fingers on your left shoulder; lift
    your left shoulder away from the center of the
    14. Maintaining this posture for the legs and the
    trunk, stretch your left arm over the head, in
    line with the left trunk side; turn the arm from
    the shoulder joint so that the palm is facing the
    floor; create space from the neck to the upper
    15. Keep your head in line with the spine; throat
    and neck comfortable.

Being in the posture: basic work

  1. Press the outer edge of the left foot to the floor.

  2. Keep the left knee well stretched, with the inner
    left leg lifting towards the outer leg, the front
    left thigh moving backwards.

  3. Move the right sitting bone forwards, the right
    upper outer thigh towards the hip joint, and the
    Figure 7.11 right side of your chest forwards.

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