Yoga as Therapeutic Exercise: A Practical Guide for Manual Therapists

(Jacob Rumans) #1

Selected aSelected asanas̄̄sanas Selected aSelected āsanas̄sanas

Suggestions for modifications
using props
• Put a belt around your thighs (Figure 7.52).
• Support your thighs with a rolled blanket
(Figure 7.53).
• Rest the back of your pelvis and the shoulder
blades against a wall.

For Sukhāsana we show a series of variations. Most
of these can also be performed with different leg
positions such as Vīrāsana and Baddha Ko āsana.

Parvatāsana in Sukhāsana

  1. Sit in Sukhāsana, with the left lower leg in

  2. Interlock your fingers, straighten your arms
    forwards, bend your wrists, with the tips of your
    thumbs touching.

  3. Maintain the neutral lumbopelvic position;
    stretch your arms upwards while lifting your ribs
    and your sternum (Figure 7.54).

  4. Stay for 3–5 breaths.

  5. Bring your arms down horizontally.

Figure 7.52

Figure 7.53
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