Yoga as Therapeutic Exercise: A Practical Guide for Manual Therapists

(Jacob Rumans) #1

Selected āsanas for integrating the aims and principles

Selected asanas̄ Selected āsanas
Selected asanas̄ Selected āsanas

Being in the posture: basic work

  1. Keep the left foot perpendicular, the left toes
    pointing towards the ceiling.

  2. Keeping your left calf on the floor, slightly
    internally rotate the left leg; this helps to keep
    the weight centered.

  3. Keep both buttocks evenly on the floor.

  4. To bring the central line of your trunk in line
    with the left leg, slightly turn your abdomen
    towards your left.

  5. With inhalation lengthen from your groin to your
    upper ribs.

  6. With exhalation release forwards further, both
    arms stretched forwards evenly.

  7. Breathe naturally.

Being in the posture: refined work

  1. The inner left thigh is slightly moving towards
    the floor.

  2. The right sitting bone is moving towards the

  3. Slightly move your abdomen inwards and
    lengthen it gently.

  4. Lengthen both sides of your chest evenly with

  5. Lengthen the central line of your chest with

  6. Adjust the position of your hands according to
    this lengthening.

  7. The sternum is resting on your left thigh, sliding
    a little further towards the foot.

  8. Rest your forehead on the shin bone so that the
    neck is relaxed.

Finishing the posture
Stay 5–10 breaths. Lengthen the front of your
trunk; raise your head. With an inhalation raise
your trunk; if necessary, take support from your
hands on the floor. Bring your right foot forwards,
the sole of the foot on the floor beside the left
knee, the right knee facing towards the ceiling.
Straighten your right leg so that the kneecap and
the toes are facing towards the ceiling. Repeat with
the left leg bent.

Suggestions for modifications using
• Place a thin folded blanket underneath the
buttock of the straight leg side.

Figure 7.67

Figure 7.69

Figure 7.68
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