Yoga as Therapeutic Exercise: A Practical Guide for Manual Therapists

(Jacob Rumans) #1

Selected aSelected asanas̄̄sanas Selected aSelected āsanas̄sanas

•    Rest   the bent    leg and knee    on  a   rolled  blanket 
or pillow (see Baddha Ko āsana).
• To make it a resting pose, rest your head on a
folded blanket or on a chair so that the neck is
relaxed; stay for 2 minutes on each side (see
Sukhāsana, variations).
• Move the bent leg backwards only as far as the
pelvis and the straight leg are at right angles.

  1. Marcyāsana III (Figure 7.77)

Meaning of the āsana and its name
Marīci was a sage of ancient Indian mythology.
He was the son of Brahma, the creator of the uni-
verse, and the grandfather of Surya, the sun god.
A series of four āsanas is dedicated to Marīci. We
are choosing number III, as its leg position is basic,
and the āsana is intensive and effective. It mobi-
lizes the ribs, and teaches you to lift and turn the
spine, and to breathe naturally, even with external

Getting into the posture

  1. Sit on a folded blanket or on a brick, both legs

  2. Bend your right knee, keeping the right calf as
    close as possible to the thigh; the right foot is
    parallel to the left leg.
    3. Keep your left leg straight, the kneecap and the
    toes facing the ceiling.
    4. Put your right hand on the floor or if necessary
    on a brick, behind your right buttock.
    5. Lift and turn your trunk to the right, stretch your
    left arm upwards, then put your left upper arm
    and elbow on the outside of your right thigh, the
    left lower arm and hand are vertical.
    6. Press your right foot on the floor.
    7. Turn your trunk more to the right.

Being in the posture: basic work

  1. Keep your left leg straight, the left foot
    perpendicular, and the left front thigh moving
    towards the back thigh.

  2. Push yourself up from the right heel and the
    right hand.

  3. Inhaling, lift from your sacrum; exhaling, turn
    further while maintaining the lift.

  4. Keeping the eyes relaxed, turn your head to the
    right, and hold for 3–5 breaths.

  5. Keeping the eyes relaxed, and your right
    shoulder back, turn your head to the left, and
    hold for 3–5 breaths.

  6. Breathe naturally.

Being in the posture: refined work

  1. Refine the basic work so that you can breathe

  2. While lifting your trunk, particularly lift your
    sternum and the back of your head.

  3. Feel the turning of your head to the right from
    your upper thoracic spine, and the gentle turning
    to the left from your lower cervical spine.

  4. Very slightly move your right knee to the right;
    feel the left arm as a lever giving the left ribs
    more rotation.

  5. Push your left upper arm into your outer right
    thigh to lift and turn more.

  6. Move your shoulder blades inwards to lift your
    upper chest.
    Figure 7.77 7. Sligthly move both shoulders away from the neck.

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