Yoga as Therapeutic Exercise: A Practical Guide for Manual Therapists

(Jacob Rumans) #1

Selected aSelected asanas̄̄sanas Selected aSelected āsanas̄sanas

times (Figure   7.9 3 ). Once you are able to
perform this while maintaining the adjustments
of point 10, you are ready to proceed with point
13 to build up the final posture.

  1. Maintaining the adjustments of point 10, walk

    your feet towards your head till the line from the
    crown of your head to your tailbone is vertical,

which you can feel as a strong lifting towards
your tailbone; if necessary, bend your knees.

  1. Maintaining this inner lifting against gravity, and
    with your sitting bones moving towards the ceiling,
    lift your feet off the floor, bend your knees; move
    your heels towards your buttocks and your knees
    upwards to face the ceiling (Figure 7.9 4 ).

  2. Constantly control the correct action of
    your hands, lower arms, shoulders, and the
    position of your head exactly on the crown,
    and maintain your neutral lumbopelvic position
    while you straighten your legs up vertically;
    the feet are between plantar flexion and
    dorsiflexion (Figure 7.9 5 ).

Figure 7.92

Figure 7.93 Figure 7.94
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