Yoga as Therapeutic Exercise: A Practical Guide for Manual Therapists

(Jacob Rumans) #1

Selected aSelected asanas̄̄sanas Selected aSelected āsanas̄sanas

  1. Keeping your head relaxed, move your shoulder
    blades closer together, to lift your upper thoracic
    vertebrae off the blankets about 1 cm.

  2. Perform the following steps to go up into the
    posture so that your head and throat, eyes and
    ears are relaxed and you can breathe naturally.

  3. As you exhale bend your knees – keeping your
    knees and feet together – towards your chest; lift
    your pelvis and your back off the floor.

  4. Bring your elbows closer together, push them
    into the blankets, and bring your hands on your
    back (Figure 7.9 9 ).
    7. Move the hands as close as possible towards
    the shoulders, fingers slanted towards the hips,
    thumbs to the front; lift the trunk, bring your
    sternum closer to the chin.
    8. Keep your nose, sternum, and navel in one line.
    9. Adjust your pelvis so that the sitting bones
    are moving upwards and the lumbar area is
    lengthened; contract your buttocks so that
    the sacrum and tailbone are going inwards and
    straighten your legs upwards.
    10. Stretch upwards from your armpits to your
    feet; the feet are between plantar flexion and
    dorsiflexion (Figure 7.100).

Figure 7.98

Figure 7.99 Figure 7.100
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