Yoga as Therapeutic Exercise: A Practical Guide for Manual Therapists

(Jacob Rumans) #1

Selected āsanas for integrating the aims and principles

Selected asanas̄ Selected āsanas
Selected asanas̄ Selected āsanas

Suggestions for modifications using props
• Rest your knees on a chair, with the feet on the
back of the chair (Figure 7.104).

•    Put    the tips    of  your    toes    on  a   chair.
• Rest your thighs on a stool with legs straight.
The stool is supporting your legs up to the groin
(Figure 7.105). Adjust the height of the stool
with one or two folded blankets if necessary to
have the optimum height for your trunk. Rest
your arms around your head. If your knees can
take it, put a weight, e.g., a sandbag, on the
heels, to improve the stretch for your trunk
(Figure 7.106).

Variation (Figure 7.107)

  1. Start in Sālamba Sarvā gāsana.

  2. Lower your legs over your head nearly

  3. Find a balance on your shoulders without
    straining the neck.

  4. Take your hands away from your back to move
    the arms sideways.

  5. Balancing carefully without straining the
    neck, lift the palms of your hands to your

  6. Now stretch your arms, get a good balance on
    the shoulders, and put the weight of the legs into
    the hands.

  7. Now the legs are fully supported by the
    stretched arms.

  8. Concentrate on your breathing.

Figure 7.104

Figure 7.105

Figure 7.106 Figure 7.107
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