Yoga as Therapeutic Exercise: A Practical Guide for Manual Therapists

(Jacob Rumans) #1

Selected aSelected asanas̄̄sanas Selected aSelected āsanas̄sanas

  1. Stay for 5–10 breaths or longer, if comfortable.

  2. To come down lower your legs, bring your arms
    on the floor opposite your head, and come
    down as from Halāsana.

  3. Viparta Kara (Figure 7.108)

Meaning of the āsana and its name
Viparīta Kara ī means inverted lake. This gentle
inversion is particularly beneficial for the transport
of fluids in the body. It is a helpful substitute, if
stronger inversions are not possible.

Getting into the posture

  1. Place a bolster one hand width away from the
    2. Lie on your right side with the trunk at right
    angles to the wall, your right hip on the right
    third of the bolster, the buttocks and the
    feet on the wall, the knees bent towards the
    3. Turn on your back; if necessary, shift yourself to
    the center of the bolster so that the pelvis and
    the lumbar area are in the center of the bolster,
    and the upper back, shoulders, and head are
    on the floor; also having the floating ribs on the
    bolster can be very relaxing.
    4. Straighten your legs upwards, knees and feet
    together, the buttocks and the backs of the legs
    on the wall; if it is not possible to straighten
    the legs, practice the posture with the bolster
    further away from the wall.
    5. If the buttocks and backs of the legs are not
    against the wall, slightly bend your knees, lift
    your pelvis off the bolster, and walk on your
    shoulders closer towards the wall until your
    buttocks and backs of the legs are touching
    the wall.
    6. Rest your arms sideways in line with
    your shoulder girdle or relaxed around your

Being in the posture: basic work

  1. Keep your legs together and straight, with the
    center of the heels touching the wall.

  2. Rest your pelvis on the bolster so that the
    buttocks are slightly dropping towards the floor
    between the bolster and the wall.

  3. Adjust your arms so that the front of your chest
    is long and wide.

  4. Adjust your head so that your neck and throat
    are relaxed.

  5. Close your eyes and breathe naturally.

Being in the posture: refined work

  1. Keep your legs completely straight.

  2. Drop your groin between the lower abdomen
    Figure 7.108 and the thighs.

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