Yoga as Therapeutic Exercise: A Practical Guide for Manual Therapists

(Jacob Rumans) #1

Selected aSelected asanas̄̄sanas Selected aSelected āsanas̄sanas

Being in the posture: basic work

  1. Close your eyes gently so that the pupils are
    not disturbed.

  2. Feel the back of your head on the floor.

  3. Release your upper neck towards the floor.

  4. Relax your face, your forehead, cheeks, lips, and

  5. Keep your nose in the center.

  6. Look towards the center of your chest.

  7. Your shoulders are broad and sinking into the

  8. Relax your arms onto the floor, the thumbs
    moving closer towards the floor.

  9. Relax your palms and fingers.

  10. Relax your middle ribs and the area of your

  11. Relax your abdomen and lumbar area.

  12. Let the back of your pelvis rest on the floor.

  13. Keep your buttocks relaxed.

  14. Relax your thighs and your calves towards the

  15. Let the outer edges of the feet sink more
    towards the floor.

  16. Breathe naturally and evenly.

Being in the posture: refined work

  1. Relax your eyes; learn to keep your eyes soft
    during not only exhalation, but also inhalation.

  2. Release your forehead from the center to the

  3. Keep the skin of your face soft; keep your
    temples soft.

  4. Release your cheeks away from the sides of your

  5. Keeping your mouth closed and the lips soft,
    gently release your upper teeth from your lower
    teeth and your lower teeth from your upper teeth.

  6. Release the outer corners of the mouth towards
    the sides.
    7. Keep your tongue soft.
    8. Release your tongue away from the palate;
    feel the relaxation of your jaw joints and your
    9. Let your breath be so subtle and smooth that the
    nostrils are hardly feeling it.
    10. During exhalation and inhalation your whole
    body and mind are calm.
    11. Experience the calming effect of the exhalation,
    particularly at the end of exhalation.
    12. Without moving the head adjust it so subtly that
    the neck and throat are relaxed.
    13. Feel your inhalation from your inner chest to the
    skin above your clavicles.
    14. Keep this area relaxed as you exhale.
    15. Keep your abdomen and lumbar area soft.
    16. Keep your groin soft.
    17. Relax your front thighs towards your back thighs.
    18. Relax your shins towards your calves.
    19. Feel both heels equally on the floor.
    20. Keep your feet relaxed.
    21. Be aware that the floor is carrying you.
    22. Feel the relaxation in your skin, your eyes, ears,
    mouth, and nose. Feel the inner calmness. Let
    the breath be subtle and smooth. Be aware
    of the inhalation and exhalation and the tiny
    pauses between inhalation and exhalation and
    exhalation and inhalation. Get deeper into the
    inner calmness in these pauses.

Finishing the posture
Stay in Śavāsana for 5–15 minutes. In the beginning
you may fall asleep easily. With increasing practice
you will stay awake in deep relaxation, recovering
more than when falling asleep.

Method 1
Slowly open your eyes, remain still for a few breaths;
maintaining the silence of your mind, turn to one
side, remain still for a few breaths; then turn to the
other side, remain still for a few breaths, and come
back to sit.
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