Yoga as Therapeutic Exercise: A Practical Guide for Manual Therapists

(Jacob Rumans) #1



Abdominal strength, lumbar spine
exercises, 53–54, 53f
Abhyāsa, 3
Achilles tendon alignment, 147–148, 148f
Adho Mukha Sukhāsana, 188, 188f
Adho Mukha Śvānāsana, 179–182, 179f,
180 f
basic work, 180, 180f
props, 181, 181f
refined work, 180–181
rotation, 182, 182f
side-bending, 181–182, 181f, 182f
variations, 181–182
Adho Mukha Vkāsana, 206–207, 206f
basic work, 207
props, 207, 207f, 208f
refined work, 207
Aims, 5
All-round elbow movement, 117–118,
117 f, 118f
Alveoli, 36, 37f
Apley scratch test, 21
Arched and hollow back with
side-bending, 59–60, 60f
Arches, feet exercises, 142, 142f, 143f
Ardha Candrāsana, 164–165
basic work, 164–165
props, 165, 165f
refined work, 165
Arm elevation
shoulder girdle exercises, 92–93,
92 f, 93f
in three steps, 90–92, 91f
Arms around each other, shoulder girdle
exercises, 89–90, 89f, 90f
sana, 3, 151–222
basic stability, 153
combinations, 221
depth of, 3
essence of, 152
practice of, 11

sana (Continued)
program selection, 153
quality of practice, 153
sequences, 221
teacher, 153
see also selected āsana
Atlanto-occipital area
mobilization exercises, 105, 105f
tests for, 22
Attentive ears, 111
breath, 10
development, 16

Baby back-bends
lumbar spine exercises, 62–63, 62f, 63f
thoracic spine exercises, 79–80, 79f, 80f
Baddha Koāsana, 193–195, 193f
basic work, 194
props, 193f, 194–195, 194f
refined work, 194
Bakāsana, 182–183, 182f
basic work, 183
props, 183, 183f
refined work, 183
variation, 183
Balance, testing of, 23
Balance on the side, lumbar spine
exercises, 61–62, 61f, 62f
Basic exercises, 47–150
frequently used positions, 50–51
movements, 50–51
repetitions, 49
Basic stability, āsana, 153
Basic work
Adho Mukha Śvānāsana, 180, 180f
Adho Mukha Vkāsana, 207
Ardha Candrāsana, 164–165
Baddha Koāsana, 194
Bakāsana, 183
Bharadvājāsana I, 199

Basic work (Continued)
Halāsana, 215
Jānu Śır̄āsana, 196
Marıcyā ̄sana III, 197
Naarājāsana, 205
Parı̄ghāsana, 166
Parivtta Trikoāsana, 173
Pārśvottānāsana, 169
Śalabhāsana, 202
Sālamba Sarvāgāsana, 214
Sālamba Śır̄āsana, 210
Śavāsana, 219
Sukhāsana, 184
Supta Pādāgu hāsana, 211–212
Tāāsana, 154
Triag Mukhaikapāda Paścimottānāsana,
rdhva Mukha Śvānāsana, 200–201
U rāsana, 204
Utkaāsana, 175
Uttānāsana, 176
Utthita Trikoāsana, 158
Utthita Marıcyā ̄sana, 198
Utthita Pārśvakoāsana, 162–163
Viparıta Karā ı, 217̄
Vı̄rabhadrāsana I, 170
Vı̄rabhadrāsana II, 160
Vı̄rabhadrāsana III, 172
Vı̄rāsana, 189
Vkāsana, 156
Bent-knee stability, 138, 138f
Bharadvājāsana I, 199–200
basic work, 199
props, 200
refined work, 199–200
Body posture, 5–6
Breath/breathing, 35–46, 224
anatomy, 36–40, 36f
awareness of, 10
during exercise, 51
mindful exercise, 41
mindfulness, 12
muscles, 37–38
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