Yoga as Therapeutic Exercise: A Practical Guide for Manual Therapists

(Jacob Rumans) #1
IndexIndex IndexIndex

Breath/breathing (Continued)
oxygen–carbon dioxide exchange, 39
passage of air, 36
practical experience, 41–44
respiratory volume, 39–40
rhythm, 39–40
ribs, 68
sitting position, 41, 224–225
spine, 39
sternum, 39
supine position, 41
testing of, 23
thoracic cage exercises, 68–69, 68f, 69f
thoracic cavity, 38
see also Exhalation; Inhalation;
Buddhist tradition, mindfulness, 12


Calmness, 152
Carpal tunnel stretch, 113–114, 114f
Cartilage, 6
Caterpillar movement, thoracic cage
exercises, 70, 70f
Cat stretch, thoracic spine exercises, 84, 84f
Cervical spine, tests for, 22
Cervical spine exercises, 101–111
atlas and axis, 101–102, 101f, 102f
gentle side-bending, 105–106, 106f
long neck, 102–103, 102f
strong neck, 106–107, 107f, 108f
Chest pains, 68
hips, 128, 128f
wrists, 113, 113f
Coachman relaxation, lumbar
spine exercises, 58–59, 58f, 59f
Conscious standing, 225
shoulder bridge and variations, 66, 66f,
67 f
testing of, 23
Crane see Bakāsana


Deep knee bend, 137–138, 137f
Dhārāa, 3, 151–152
Dhyāna, 3, 151–152
Diagnosis, 17–26
mobility testing, 19
motivation, 18
patient ability, 18
patient willingness, 18
signs and symptoms, 17
stability testing, 19
see also specific body areas

Diaphragm, 37, 37f
expiration, 37–38
inspiration, 37–38
Dorsiflexion, 50
Downward-facing dog see Adho Mukha

Ears, attentive, 111
Economical practice, 5
positioning, 50
pronation, 50
supination, 50
tests for, 22
Elbow exercises, 112–119
all-round elbow movement, 117–118,
117 f, 118f
four-point kneeling variations,
118–119, 119f
Elevating arms. see Arm elevation
Examination, 48
musculoskeletal system, 18
Exercise cycles, 5
sitting, 43–44
supine, 43
diaphragm, 37–38
muscles, 38
Prāāyāma, 41
Extended triangle see Utthita Trikoāsana
External respiration, 36
Eye exercises, palming, 111, 111f
Eye movements, 110, 110f

Feet exercises, 140–150
Achilles tendon alignment, 147–148,
148 f
active movements, 141, 141f, 142f
arches, 142, 142f, 143f
awareness, 140
foot caterpillar, 149–150, 150f
foot seesaw, 148–149, 149f
positioning, 50
rolling over the toes, 146, 147f
shake your foot, 140–141, 140f
spreading the toes, 143–145, 143f, 144f
tests for, 20
weight-bearing exercises, 145–146,
145 f, 146f
Finetuning, 5
thoracic cage exercises, 73–74, 73f
Finger coordination, testing of, 23
Floating ribs, 38
Forward-bent kneeling, 51

Four-point kneeling
elbow exercises, 118–119, 119f
hand exercises, 118–119, 119f
hip exercises, 133, 133f
lumbar spine exercises, 64–65, 64f, 65f
shoulder girdle exercises, 97, 97f, 98f
thoracic cage exercises, 74–75, 75f
thoracic spine exercises, 83–84, 83f, 84f
wrist exercises, 118–119, 119f
Frequently used positions, basic
exercises, 50–51

Gentle side-bending, cervical spine
exercises, 105–106, 106f

Halāsana, 215–217, 215f
basic work, 215
props, 216, 216f
refined work, 215
variation, 216–217, 216f
Half-lotus variations, hip exercises, 111,
130 f, 131f, 132f
Half moon see Ardha Candrāsana
Hamstrings, testing of, 20
Hand exercises, 112–119
four-point kneeling variations, 118–119,
119 f
shake hands, 112–113, 112f
Hand tests, 22
Haha Yoga Pradıpikā ̄, 3, 11
Head exercises, 101–111
mobile head on spine, 103–105,
103 f, 104f
sensitive nose, 110, 110f
turn and bend, 105, 105f
Hip exercises, 126–133
circumduction of hips, 128, 128f
four-point kneeling, 133, 133f
half-lotus variations, 111, 130f,
131 f, 132f
hip stabilization, 125, 125f
hip swing, 129–130, 130f
mobility vs. stability, 126
relaxation, 133, 133f
rhythmic internal and external
rotation, 126–128, 127f
the sleeping tree, 129, 129f
strong external/internal rotation,
129, 129f
supine rotation, 127–128
mobility, 20
stabilization, 125, 125f
tests for, 20–21
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